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Maze (The Ballerina Series #2) Page 10

  After we exited the passenger only area of the airport, we took the escalator down to baggage claim. I saw a familiar face at the bottom of the steps. I missed him so much.

  I walked right into Maze’s arms and he pressed his lips to mine. We were so wrapped up in each other it wasn’t until I heard Dante’s voice saying, “For Christ sake get a room,” that I pulled away and realized we were blocking the path.

  “Hey, man,” Maze said by way of greeting to Dante. He took the carryon I held out of my hand and placed the strap over his shoulder, then took my hand in his.

  “Come on let’s go.” He turned and led the way to the baggage claim area. Dante walked on the other side of me as I hobbled along.

  “How was the flight?” Maze asked.

  “It was good,” I said.

  “Yeah, not bad for a puddle jumper,” Dante quipped.

  “I’d have gotten you first class tickets but most of the non-stop flights are on the smaller planes,” Maze said to me.

  “It’s fine. We’re here now.”

  We grabbed our bags from the claim area and Maze called Will to let him know what arrival point to pick us up from. We didn’t have long to wait before the limo pulled up and we piled into the car. Traffic wasn’t too bad so we made good time into the city and stopped to drop Dante off first. I sat in the middle of the guys so I turned and gave Dante a hug before he stepped out of the car.

  “I’ll talk to you tomorrow and we can set up a schedule after my cast comes off,” I said.

  “Sounds good. Have a good evening you two,” Dante said. “And don’t do anything I would.”

  “No worries there.” I laughed. God alone knew the things Dante would do.

  He got out and closed the door.

  I leaned back into Maze’s embrace. It was going to be strange not seeing Dante every day again. We’d had a lot of fun together, just like always. I really enjoyed the chorography we came up with, and teaching was fun, too. Now I knew if I had to give up dancing professionally it would be choreography I’d peruse.

  Maze circled both arms around me, hugging me tighter to him and bringing my thoughts back to him, to us. He felt so good. Yet, I couldn’t quite forget the article weighing on me since I read it earlier this morning. But I didn’t want to begin the conversation I knew we had to have in the car. I would wait until we got home.

  I threaded my arm though his. “I missed this,” I said.

  “Me, too.”

  “Are you sorry you let me go away for so long?”

  “No. I know how much it meant to you.”

  I twisted to glance up at him. “Thank you.” I kissed the bottom of his chin, then sat back against him. “You know if they chose our piece it will be presented at the festival in less than two months and I’ll be gone for two maybe three days then.”

  “Of course they’ll choose your piece. They’d be crazy not to.”

  “Will you come with me?”

  “I’ll come the night of the performance. I’d just be in your way the rest of the time.”

  I turned to look at him again, shifting to make sure he could see the sincerity in my face. “You will never be in the way. I want you to come.”

  “We’ll see. I took on a couple of fighters and one might have a fight around that time.”

  Fear shot down my spine. “But I thought you didn’t have anything to do with that world any more?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t. I stay in the gym and provide training and guidance. I don’t go to the fights.”

  “Swear to me.”

  “I swear. I don’t go to the fights. I’ll never step into another arena again.”

  My heart rate calmed down a little but his reply still didn’t answer the questions I needed to ask.

  Will pulled up in front of our building and stopped the car. Before he could come around and open the door, Maze jumped out on the other side. I saw him speak to Will before he came around to my side and opened the door for me.

  Maze helped me out and Will went around to the back and got my suitcase and carryon. Maze took them from him, then opened our street door. I went in first and maneuvered up the stairs, Maze behind me. I unlocked our front door and stepped into our place. Although we hadn’t lived there very long I already thought of the place as home. Maze and I had chosen all of the furniture together. The beige and peacock blue colors helped lend a comfortable feel to the place. The cozy furniture was just the kind you could sit down and relax on.

  I made my way over to the long, wide couch and did just that. I dropped my purse on the coffee table and Maze came in and shut the door.

  “I’ll put these in the bedroom and then we can decide on dinner. You have anything in mind?” Maze asked.

  “Yeah. One of us should learn to cook,” I yelled back, only kidding. Thanks to Dante I knew enough to follow simple recipes.

  Maze came back into the room without my things. He had an iPad in his hand and plopped down on the couch beside me. “Well, we can start by getting an easy recipe app, or better yet, let’s see if they have cooking for dummies?” He flashed me his killer grin. The one where his dimples showed up. It had been a long time since I’d seen them.

  “Speak for yourself. But seriously we don’t need to try to cook anything tonight. Besides, we’d first have to go to the grocery store, then by the time we got back and fixed something it would probably be midnight. I’m hungry now.”

  “Take out it is then. Any preference?”

  “I could go for a steak.”

  Maze pulled out his phone and placed an order, then put the cell on the table. He sat back and we leaned against each other.

  Now was the time. “I need to ask you something.”

  He played with my fingers. “What is, babe?”

  “I read an article today in the paper about the death of a Triad member, the same guy at the roof top bar that night that tried to get you to fight.”

  I felt his body tense beside me. It wasn’t anything overt and if I hadn’t been leaning against him and knew him so well I would not have noticed. The sensation was fleeting, but long enough not to have been my imagination.


  “The paper talked about how his head was decapitated and another suspected Triad member died a couple of weeks ago. The cops think it’s some sort of turf war going on. Are you in danger, Maze? Does this have anything to do with Joe’s death?”

  Chapter Twelve


  I didn’t want to answer her questions. I knew she wasn’t stupid and if she found out about the deaths, she might make a leap. A right one, just not right enough. I knew about the murders, more than she realized. I was grateful for that at least.

  I shook my head. I’d tried to keep all of the violence away from her but that damn Liu wouldn’t let it go. Wouldn’t let the Tong go without a fucking fight. The Triad was desperate. They lost a shitload of money and a lot of political ground. And all of it to the Tong. To me. Last week I’d had a business lunch with the top dozen businessmen of the Tong and it had been hammered home for me. There had even been a city councilman there. They’d all been present at Joe’s funeral. I’d even met a few at some of my fights. I was surprised when the head of the small business association called me to set up the meeting and Tsang wasn’t present. I’d had a similar meeting when I’d taken over ownership of the gym with some of the business owners on the block, but this was different.

  It was only then I’d found out my uncle wasn’t a member of the association. I shouldn’t have been surprised though. Tsang walked a fine line. In truth, so did I now. But they made it clear I led the Tong and the association stood behind me. I understood at least on paper I owned a percentage or at least half of most of their businesses. What I hadn’t fully appreciated was the influence I also had upon these men. I had been surprised when they handed me an additional file. I also owned a security firm. Will and Mark actually worked for the Tong business group, for me. It was good to know. These people ha
d me put on a frigging suit and attend a business luncheon with them in my honor. Me being honored for continuing Joe’s legacy. I wish Ivy could have been there with me. This war had to end and soon. I hoped Tsang was making headway.

  I feared though, for Liu, it was no longer business. It had become personal. Perhaps it had always been so, ever since his father had been killed and Joe stepped down. I’d come to understand the way the Triad worked. I got drawn into the world in spite of my desire not to. But it didn’t mean I would stay there. Liu thought he’d step in as head of the Triad and the Tong in its early conception. That he would be named Dragon Master after he’d come of age and proven himself. But Joe and Tsang made damn sure that wouldn’t happen. With Joe’s death and the rise of the Tong now it never would, but Liu refused to accept that. The way he refused to accept Jai’s death as payment for Joe’s. He wanted me to be part of the Triad, to be one of them, to turn over the Tong to him, or die. None were an option.

  But I could tell Ivy none of this. Not that Liu was out for my blood or that I had killed and might have to do more. I’d been deluding myself. These last couple of weeks I thought I’d be able to take care of this so when Ivy returned to New York she’d be safe. She wasn’t. Liu knew we lived together, that she meant something to me. The fact she’d been gone for two weeks was good. I’d used that time to plant other ideas. That maybe she didn’t. I made it a point to be seen around town with other women. I’d even brought a couple of them to the gym to watch me spar. I knew word would get back to Liu. It killed me to even be around those women. To have them touch me. To touch them to make it look at least in public that they meant nothing to me, which was true. I had to do it, though. I had to make them believe Ivy was just one of many.

  The fact Ivy was no longer in the apartment helped to confirm the rouse. Took pressure off her. Then a few nights ago that asshole from the rooftop confronted me, he wanted to avenge Jai. Fucker came at me, blades drawn. I had hoped Jai would be the end of it, but knew that was wishful thinking on my part. While I killed Jai out right, because of what he did to Joe and his threat to Ivy, the other, it was either him or me. That one I had no choice. Nonetheless, blood spilled on my hands. Again.

  I closed my eyes wondering not for the first or second time if I’d ever be clean again.

  “Well?” Ivy asked, bringing me out of my dark musings.

  I had been putting this off. Refusing to consider it, but I knew what I had to do. The pain gripping my chest hurt like a motherfucker but it had to be done. I would let no harm come to Ivy. And until I took care of Liu she would be in danger. I needed to get her out of here. I needed it to look like she truly was nothing more than another piece of ass to me. When, in truth, she was my everything.

  “I need you to do something for me tomorrow. I need you to move back in with Dante.”

  “What?” She shifted and stared wide eyed at me.

  “My life…it’s fucked up right now.”

  She moved away from me. “So you are in trouble?”

  “It’s not me I’m worried about.”

  “Maze, what’s going on? I need the truth.”

  I raked my hand through my hair. I’d been growing it out so it was a little longer than I normally wore it. I kept it short because I fought and didn’t need to worry about anyone tugging on it in a fight. But I wasn’t fighting anymore and I knew Ivy loved to run her fingers through it. “There’s a war going on and I don’t want you anywhere around it.”

  “You shouldn’t be either. Let’s just leave the area. We can go together. Get away until whatever is going on is over.”

  I raised my hand and touched the side of her face. “It’s not that easy.”

  It wasn’t. I had a lot of people depending on me now. Their businesses and livelihoods rested on my shoulders. Damn Joe. I had no idea who he truly was. Not just the financial part of it but how much he protected these people. I was too young for this shit but there was no one else and I had no choice but to learn.

  Ivy shook her head. “Yes, it is. I don’t want you involved. I want you safe. So if I go you go, cause I’m not going without you.”

  I stood and moved over to the window. Staring outside but not really seeing anything. “Babe, you really don’t have much of a choice. It’s for the best.”

  “How long?” Her voice wobbled. “How long until this is over? When you’re dead?”

  I swung back around when I heard the fear and tears in her voice. I moved back to the couch and knelt at her feet. I laid my hands on her thighs. “I will do everything in my power to protect you. And the only way I know how is to get you out of here. To put some distance between us.”

  I grabbed her waist and squeezed then looked up into her tear filled eyes. “You have got to go. After dinner I’m going to have Will take you to Dante’s.”

  She shook her head. Her entire body trembled under my palms and I watched tears coarse down her beautiful face.

  “Please, baby, no. Don’t send me away I need to be with you. I won’t go,” she sobbed.

  I got up and moved away from her. I had to move away from her. I had to do this. Her tears were destroying me. I hated the fact I was the cause but I had to stand strong. Her life depended on it. “You’ll be safe with Dante. They already think we’re no longer together so you’ll be fine. And if they see you come into the gym with Dante it will keep you safe.”

  “What? Maze? NO! What do you mean we’re no longer together?”

  The phone on the coffee table vibrated. I went over and picked it up. There was a text from Will. The food delivery guy was on his way up. I put the phone in my pocket and rubbed my hand over my face. I knew this had to be done but goddamnit it hurt. “Yes, Ivy. For now. You have no choice.” I didn’t raise my voice, but I kept it cold and even. “I want you out of here and I will fucking tie you up and deliver you to Dante that way if I have to. Now call him and let him know you’re moving back in.”

  I inwardly winced at the harshness of my tone. I heard her sharp intake of breath and knew I broke her heart but I had to. There was a knock on the door. I couldn’t look at Ivy. Couldn’t see her tears anymore. She would break me down if I let her. I took a moment to find my balance to get control of my emotions. There was another knock and this time I moved to answer it. I had an account at most of the local restaurants so the meals were just charged to my credit card but the delivery guys I always tipped cash.

  I opened the door and reached for my wallet in my back pocket. The guy had the bag of food held high so it was in my face. Some sixth sense, if you will, or whatever the fuck had helped me win all those years in the arena kicked in. My gaze didn’t drift toward the bag in my face; instead I looked down toward the delivery guy’s other hand. He held black metal. His hand was already rising when I lashed out. I finished pulling out my wallet and slammed the edge right into the soft spot at his throat. I used my other hand to grab his wrist, placing pressure on a nerve to get him to drop the gun. When it fell to the floor, I released him and he crumpled to the ground.

  I pulled out my phone and called Will. “Get the fuck up here now!”


  I quickly glanced over my shoulder at Ivy. Her eyes were wide, and her mouth was open in horror. “Babe, go in the bedroom and lock the door. Then go into the closet. Under my dresser in there, on the bottom of it, there’s a gun. Get it. If anyone but me comes through that door you fucking pull the trigger.”

  She stood up. I could see her body shaking from where I was. “Maze.”

  I couldn’t go to her. Couldn’t comfort her just then. “Babe, please. Do it now!”

  I know I yelled at her but I needed her to get out of there. I needed her safe. Cause this piece of shit was dead from that blow to his neck and if he wasn’t he would be soon enough. I heard the sound of her crutch as she made her way to the bedroom and the door close. The pounding footfalls of my security echoed up the stairs as Will and Mark came tearing up them with guns drawn.

  I bent do
wn and checked the guy’s pulse. Nothing. I moved the bag of food aside that had dropped to the ground and checked his pockets. I found his wallet and a cell phone. I handed both to Will.

  “What happened?” Will asked.

  “You fucking tell me.” I got right up into Will’s face. I was pissed and scared shitless. Ivy could have been killed. “You let him up here.”

  “I’m sorry, man. I knew you ordered food and he was here from the restaurant.”

  “Well fucker tried to kill me.” I told Will exactly what had happened.

  “Okay. We’ll take care of this. Here’s how we’re going to handle it,” Will said.

  Before he could say anything I said, “Ivy was here, man. She saw it all and she’s terrified.”

  “Can you trust her?”

  I glanced in the direction of the closed door. I trusted her with my life. But she shouldn’t have to put up with this. Fuck, she shouldn’t have to be a part of this world. “Don’t worry about her. What do you want to do?”

  “First, we find out if he really works for the restaurant.” Will went through the guy’s wallet and found a pay stub. “Well, it looks like he does.” He put it back in the wallet and placed it in the dude’s pocket. He turned on the guy’s phone but it was locked. The good news was it was one of those phones with thumbprint activation. He pressed the guy’s thumb on it and it unlocked.

  “Bingo!” Will exclaimed. He pulled out his own phone and took pictures of the last incoming and outgoing calls. “Now, here’s how we’re going to play this. I’ll run a check on these calls. But you cannot be involved. Go back inside. Wait a half hour and call the restaurant. Ask them about the status of your food. Tell them you never got it. Go back inside and forget everything else.”

  Mark picked up the bag of food.

  “Fuck. What are you going to do with him?” I asked.

  “Best you don’t know,” Will replied.

  “Fucking, hell.” I pushed my hand through my hair. This shit was crazy. “Okay. But one more thing. I want Ivy out of here, now.”