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Maze (The Ballerina Series #2) Page 12
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Page 12
“Yes. I’ll be fine.”
Chapter Fourteen
The base of my neck tingled. I glanced over at the front doors and my gaze locked onto Ivy.
“Run through that set two more times,” I said to the young fighter I’d been working with. I made a straight line to Ivy and Dante. They hadn’t moved from near the entrance. I didn’t stop until I stood in front of them. It had been more than a week since I’d seen her. All I wanted to do was pull her into my arms and then take her upstairs and make love to her until neither one of us could walk. But it wasn’t going to happen. Too many eyes were on us. I didn’t know how much longer this stalemate between the Tong and the Triad would last. Tsang found out the Triad sent the assassin and he was doing all he could to extract us, but it would take time. Meanwhile, we wait. As long as the Triad thought they couldn’t hurt me or get to me we remained in limbo. All I cared about was clearing Ivy off their radar. I made it a point to greet Dante and not touch Ivy. I saw her body leaning toward me, already expecting and anticipating my touch. Fuck...
“Hey, man,” I said to Dante, holding out my hand to shake his. We grasped hands in greeting. He grabbed mine a little on the tight side.
Dante’s gazed at me with narrowed eyes, making it clear he wasn’t sure if they should be there. He said, “Thanks for letting us use your place.”
I smiled trying to put him and myself at ease. “Hey, no worries. It’s already set up for you.”
I led them to the room I had designed for Ivy and opened the door, moving farther into the space. The first thing I saw was the image of Ivy in the mirror and memories hit me like a freight train. Ivy under me, me inside her, our bodies merged, blending, no beginning and no ending as we made love on the mat, on the floor, against the ballet bar. My gaze snapped to hers and I saw her watching me in the mirror. I knew her thoughts reflected mine. She seemed to freeze in the doorway. Dante stood next to her and placed his hand on her back, giving her a little push forward. She stepped across the threshold and came in, Dante behind her.
“Close the door, will ya, man?” I requested. My voice took on a cadence I didn’t recognize. One of sadness.
As soon as he did I took three steps to reach Ivy and pulled her into my arms. I couldn’t stand it anymore. My mouth covered hers, our bodies curled into each other and she clung to me. Finally, at last, my heart beat, my blood flowed. I could breathe again.
“I’ve missed you,” I whispered moving my lips to her ear, her neck.
I had my hands on her ass and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist in response. I wanted to strip her, put her on the floor, and be buried inside her in seconds. I was moments away from my heaven when the sound of a loud cough caught my attention.
“FUCK!” I roared.
“Do you two need to be alone?” Dante asked.
“No,” I growled. Putting Ivy down, I stepped back. I took a couple of deep breaths to get my shit together.
Ivy continued to stare at me, a mixture of lust and deep sadness in her gaze. I couldn’t stare at her for long I’d take her back into my arms. Not sure I’d be able to let her go again if I did.
Dante glanced back and forth between us. “So everything cool between you two now?”
“No,” I said, not glancing at either one of them but I felt Ivy’s gaze boring into me, willing me to look at her. I did and saw the misery tearing in her eyes. Misery I also felt. I shook my head. “No. Let’s just do this.”
She didn’t say a word, just wiped her hand over her eyes.
I pulled out the mats I kept in there for their use and gave them each one. They stripped down to their workout gear and Ivy took off the new walking boot. She handed me the sheet the nurse had given her and I scanned it. “This is fine. The stuff I have in mind for you for the next couple of weeks should be okay. I’ll go over the exercises with you now but some of them you’ll be able to do at home and Dante can help you. So, Dante, I need you to pay attention to what I’m doing.”
After they both nodded, I spent the next forty minutes showing them some exercises. Then I spent more time watching both Ivy and Dante repeat what they’d learned. Once I was satisfied, I left them to work on their own. I spent the next hour doing everything but going anywhere near the door to the ballet room. Yet, the minute the door opened and Ivy walked out into the main area, I knew it. Even though I was on the other side of the room. Dante saw me and waved. I waved back but stayed right where I was. By sheer force of will, I kept myself from crossing the room. Refusing to respond to the pull of Ivy’s silent plea. Oh, she was calling me. I could hear her as clear as day even if no one else could. After what felt like forever, she and Dante moved toward the exit. I continued to stand there, holding the punching bag and aching in every part of my soul.
For the last few days, I stayed at the gym until late. I’d see Ivy and Dante come in and then leave. I’d spend twenty minutes with them and leave them alone. I didn’t even really need to do that, but I needed to touch her if only for a minute while I worked her ankle. I was slowly going crazy.
After they left this evening, I got into the center ring and took on anyone who wanted to fight. At the end of the night, I was the last man standing. Even though drenched in sweat, and my body ached, nothing dulled the pain of knowing I’d go up those stairs to my apartment and Ivy won’t be there.
I closed up the place and took the elevator from the gym up to the apartment to take a shower. Tonight instead of passing out from exhaustion, as I’d done other nights, I was wired. I couldn’t relax, couldn’t sleep. I’d gotten a text earlier from Vin to hang out with him again. I’d done it a couple of times when Ivy was in Philly. But this time, I really just needed to get out of the apartment. I was too alone here. I missed Ivy so much, and I feared I’d cave in and go get her if I stayed. I texted Will and he brought the car around and we headed downtown.
The club was packed but most people were on the dance floor. I headed straight for the bar and found a seat at the very end. I pulled out my phone and texted Vin I was there, sitting at the end of the bar. When the bar maid came over to my end I flagged her and placed an order.
“And when you see that one low don’t bother to wait to ask I want a refill,” I said.
She nodded. I glanced around to see if I saw any familiar faces, I didn’t. But everything was a blur really. I was only there because I figured it was better to be alone in a crowded room than in an empty apartment. A strong odor of citrus and clover assailed my senses before I felt her touch on my shoulder. The bartender laid my drink on the counter in front of me at the same time the woman behind me came around to stand at my side. I didn’t bother to even glance at her. I just reached for my drink.
“What’s that?” she asked, a sexy breathiness to her voice.
“My drink,” I said, and took a gulp.
“Wanna buy me one?”
I didn’t bother to respond. I finished my first drink and was lifting the second when Vin finally showed up.
“Hey, man,” he said, grabbing my shoulders. “Looks like you started this party without me.” He glanced over at the bar maid and got her attention. “I’ll have the same thing.”
I stood so he wasn’t standing over me, and besides, I was tired of sitting.
Once he got his drink, we moved over to one of the high tables that became available and placed our drinks on it. It was a better position to check out the crowd. Not that I really paid much attention to anything, but Vin was. He kept commenting on the women checking us out. I couldn’t even pretend interest. No surprise when two of them approached us. Vin made them feel welcome. I didn’t give a fuck.
He bought them both drinks. He carried on most of the conversation, and I only grunted. I finished my forth drink and still felt as miserable as I did before I left the house. Before the redhead could drag my friend off to the dance floor I tapped his arm.
“I’m gonna
bounce, man.
“No, don’t go. Fuck, man, it’s barely eleven.” He turned to grin at the blonde who’d been trying to get my attention all night. “At least if you go you don’t have to go alone.” He grinned.
I didn’t even bother to glance in the woman’s direction he kept staring at.
“Laters.” I fist bumped him and made my way through the horde toward the exit. I pulled out my phone and texted Will. But the place was crowded and loud and I just wanted out. When I got outside, I texted him to meet me at the corner. I walked out into the warm evening air and it cleared my head a little. I turned and headed in the direction where I told Will to pick me up. It wasn’t all that late, but this was New York, the city that never sleeps, and it was more than making up for that rep. I leaned against the building at the cross street but I didn’t have long to wait before Will pulled up on the road.
I pushed myself off the wall and approached the car, not giving Will a chance to get out and open the door for me. I opened it myself and got in. “Take me home.”
I lay my head back against the soft leather and shut my eyes, trying to clear my thoughts when my phone rang. I checked the phone and saw it was Dante. Ivy had put his number in my phone before they’d taken their trip.
I answered. “Hey, man, what’s up? Everything okay?”
Something in his voice sent a chill down my spine.
“Is Ivy with you?” Dante asked.
“Fuck, no. What the hell is going on?”
“Oh, Jesus. Don’t panic. I dropped her off at the theatre earlier tonight. She wanted to stop in and talk to Davis, one of the director’s of the company who was working late. She told me she’d catch a cab home. There are always cars in the area so I knew it wouldn’t be a problem. We were supposed to go to dinner.”
I pulled the phone away to yell. “Will, head for the place we dropped Ivy off.” When he nodded, I placed the phone back to my ear. “When was she supposed to be back?”
“She’s running a couple hours late. I called Davis. She left over an hour ago.”
The blood in my veins froze. “I’m on my way to your place. Have you tried calling her?”
“Yeah. Goes straight to voicemail. Like the phone is turned off.”
“Fuck! Be there in five.” I hung up.
Leaning forward I spoke to my driver again. “Will, can you hurry? Ivy’s missing.” I called Ivy’s number, but my call got treated no differently from Dante’s, straight to voicemail. I sent her a text telling her to call or text. Then I called Tsang.
“Ivy’s missing.”
“I’ll make a few calls. I’ll also have someone check to see if she’s back at the gym.”
“I doubt she’s there. She’s not answering her phone.”
“I’ll find her, Maze,” Tsang said. “Hang tight. I’ll call you back after I talk to a few folks.”
“We’re here.”
The sound of Will’s voice had me looking out the window. I didn’t even realize we’d arrived at Dante’s condo. I was out of the car before he’d fully pulled to a stop. The doorman opened the door for me and I moved past him and headed straight for the elevator then the condo. I only had to knock once before Dante pulled the door open. I walked in and stopped before turning to face him.
“What the fuck happened?” I yelled.
“You fucking tell me!” Dante yelled back, getting right up in my face. “I know whatever is going on has to do with whatever fucked up shit you’re involved in. And whatever that is you’ve dragged Ivy into it.”
“Shit,” I said, turning aside.
It was either that or take the motherfucker down. But my anger was wasted on him. He was right. This shit was on my head. If she was missing only one person would have dared to take her. I spun around and headed for the door without a word. But Dante wasn’t letting me leave that easily. He moved in front of me and grabbed my arm pulling me to a stop.
I looked him right in the eyes. “Get your fucking hand off me.”
He shook his head but kept his eyes on mine. “Where are you going? We need to call the cops.”
“Only if you want Ivy dead. Now get your fucking hand off me. I’m not going to tell you again.”
He let go slowly, letting me know he wasn’t scared of me, and I saw the message in his gaze. If he could he’d kick my ass. In truth, I couldn’t blame him for thinking it.
“Do you know where she is?” he asked.
“I…I think I know who did it.”
Dante raked his fingers through his locks. “Can you get her back?”
“You’ll know if I fail. I’ll be dead.”
“Fuck, man.”
I continued to head toward the door. My hand rested on the knob when his voice gave me pause.
“I’m coming with you.”
I turned back. “Thanks, but for Ivy to stand a chance, I have to do this alone.”
I shut the door behind me and returned to the limo.
“Take me back to the apartment, Will.” There were things there I’d need if Liu held Ivy. She could be anywhere. But I knew where Liu would be or at least who could find him if he wasn’t home. I called Tsang. “Where’s Liu?”
“Maze, I still have people out looking for Ivy. Forget about Liu for now.”
“I know. But it might already be too late. Is Liu at his home?”
“Not that I know of, why?”
“Because we both know the son of a bitch took her.”
“Even if he did, he’s not stupid enough to keep her at his home. Let me find her, Maze. I swear to you I will. Don’t do anything stupid.”
“Thank you, Uncle Tsang.”
“I’ve sent people out to the places Liu owns.”
“And, Maze, stay away from Liu. His place is going to be crawling with his security. Wait for my call.”
“I know, but...”
“You know she’s not at his house. Let me handle this.”
“I know.”
“Don’t worry, Maze, we’ll find her.”
I hung up the phone after that. I knew what he was thinking. Find Ivy first then go after Liu. We’d find her one way or another. But in the depths of my soul I knew she was alive. And I could see only one way out of all of this.
Chapter Fifteen
The walking cast made it so much easier to move around. And I felt really good after my meeting with Davis. As long as I was ready for the fall performance I’d still be their featured artist, and he knew about the piece Dante and I choreographed for his old dance studio. Davis was very supportive and seemed sure it would be chosen for the festival. In fact, he planned on flying down for the performance nights, and he wanted Dante and me to create a special featured piece. My future loomed brighter, at least my professional future. I’d come to terms with the time I wouldn’t be able to dance. And I had Maze to thank for that. Maze. I hurt just thinking about us. I saw him almost every day at the gym, so close and yet so far. Since that first time Dante and I went there and he’d shut the door and taken me into his arms, I thought everything would be fine. He’d let me move back in. We’d be together again, but he hadn’t touched me that way since then. The only thing he did was work with me by doing the exercises together. Even though his touch was professional it still sent jolts through me. It was both frustrating and fun to work with him. My ankle felt better but I still had a long way to go before I could even attempt to put on pointe shoes.
I walked outside to a pleasant evening, enjoying the fact most of the theatres weren’t out yet, so not much foot traffic. I moved toward the edge of the sidewalk to flag down the next cab. One pulled over almost immediately. Another car drew up behind it. I didn’t pay much attention to it. I stepped off the sidewalk, and had my hand on the door handle of the cab. Suddenly, someone grabbed me around my waist from behind. Literally picked me up, then walked a few steps and threw me face first in the backseat of the car stopped behind the cab.
I tried to turn over and kick out, to push the person back who got into the car behind me, but he shifted and punched me in the face, snapping my face to the side.
The pain rattled through my brain. Momentarily stunning me. He used the opportunity to twist me back onto my stomach, grab my legs, and sit on them immobilizing me. My cheek where his fist connected stung. I must have bitten my lip because I tasted the metallic tang of blood on my tongue. My breaths came in gulps and I fought not to cry.
The car lurched forward and stopped abruptly. I rolled onto the floor into an awkward position. We continued driving again. Fast. I had to get out of there. But I feared I wouldn’t be able to. Still I had to fight. I pushed myself up, trying to sit up and get back on the seat. Strong hands grabbed me around the waist and hauled be back on the seat.
“Get the hell off me!” I screamed.
“Shut the fuck up, bitch.” He managed to hold me face down.
He yanked my hair hard and raised my chin off the seat. I thought he might have pulled out a few strands. I caught a glimpse of a blue denim sleeve before he wrapped a bandanna or something over my eyes, then he tied my hands behind my back. I managed to flip onto my side and tried to kick him with the boot, but he pushed my legs down, turned me on my stomach again, and placed his hand on the flat of my back. He sat against my thighs, using his bulk to keep me pinned down.
Terror infused my veins, giving me strength but no matter how much I bucked against him I couldn’t budge him off me. Breathing hard, I quieted. I gave my brain a chance to run through possible solutions, but came up empty. Maze had been right to want to keep me away from any violence, but he’d been wrong, too. He should never have sent me away. But I knew he would find me. I just had to hold on until he did.
I love you, Maze.
I just hoped he wouldn’t be too late.
The captor in the back with me began to cup my ass and feel between my legs. I whimpered, and when he tried to pull my yoga pants down I shifted and tried to fight him in earnest. Sharp words spoken by the driver had them yelling at each other but at least he stopped. They spoke what sounded like Chinese to me. When I’d been pushed into the car everything happened quickly, but I thought the driver at least was Chinese. They had to be Triad.