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Maze (The Ballerina Series #2) Page 14
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Page 14
I studied this man who had just turned my world upside down in so many ways. “If you’re lying…”
He shrugged, like a man who spoke the truth. “You know I’m not.”
He was right. Without another word I walked out of his bedroom door. I didn’t give a fuck who tried to stop me. When I reached the bottom stairs a guard stepped out of a side room. He paused when he saw me then drew his gun.
“Let him pass.” Liu’s voice came from behind me.
I kept moving and opened the front door. I paused on the threshold. “I’m sorry about Jai.”
“He made his choice. He backed the wrong side. As did the others.”
I nodded and walked into the night to confront the real demon in this nightmare of my life. My world crumbed around my feet but only one thing like a beacon in my mind remained. Kept me sane. Kept me from roaring into the night. Ivy. She was all that mattered. I had to find her and she damn well better be alive.
I jumped into the car but this time I sat in the front seat.
“What happened?” Will asked. “Do I need to send in a cleanup detail?”
I turned my head to look at him. My hand already set to grab my blade if I needed to. “Who do you work for, Will?”
He frowned. “You.”
“Who hired you?”
“The contract with me is through the Tong. But your stepfather hired me to protect Tsang and you. I was told if anything ever happened to Joe you were to become my priority. So since his death I’ve been working for you, along with Mark, twenty-four seven.”
“And Tsang?”
“He’s got his own security detail. So far he’s never tried to pull me off your watch,” he said.
“If he did?”
Will looked right at me. “He’d have to pass that through you first. If you assigned me to him then I’d go. But that’s up to you.”
Nothing about him indicated anything but that he spoke the truth. And he’d helped me tonight. I breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay. Don’t worry about what went down in there. No clean up necessary.”
He raised his eyebrows at me. I could tell he was curious as hell but Will didn’t ask unnecessary questions. I gave him the address to the warehouse I’d just memorized.
“Is that where Ivy was taken?” he asked.
“I believe so.”
“I think I’ve been there before with Mr. Tsang. Not sure. I’ll know when I see the place.”
I tucked the additional information away as we sped through traffic. It didn’t take long for us to arrive.
“There’s a blind alley where we can park,” Will said. “There are three entrances into the place, but the best way in is still the front door. The other entrances have bars across them.”
We pulled into the alley and Will cut the engine. “If you jump the wall it will put you right into the parking lot perpendicular to the warehouse lot. Go around the side. There could be a lookout at the front but people come in and out of the area all the time at all hours. A lot of retailers use this place to receive their deliveries or to hold them until they can be moved so trucks and foot traffic isn’t that uncommon. There might be someone outside at the main entrance to keep an eye out for signs of trouble. If you can get close to him, you can take him out and gain entrance to the building.”
I turned to look at Will. “Thank you. Why are you helping me?”
“Joe. He saved my life.”
I studied Will. He was maybe mid-forties but looked younger than his real age. There was something about the way he walked and moved and the lines around his eyes. “You were a fighter.”
“A long time ago, and Joe got me out.”
“Did he train you?”
“Yeah, for a while, but I got into trouble. I was supposed to throw a fight. Joe saw to it I didn’t have to fight. He got me on a flight out of China that night. He’s kept in touch with me over the years. Helped me set up this company and I have done jobs for him from time to time.”
“That sounds like him.”
“He was a good guy.”
I nodded then got out of the car and closed the door. I made my way over the wall. I stopped to pull up the hood on the black sweatshirt I wore to obscure my features and then put on tight black gloves. I kept my hands at my sides visible, harmless. Like I was just stretching my legs. My appearance was ready now just in case a guard stood outside. I strolled around the building. And yep, I spotted a lookout ten feet away from me, leaning against the wall beside the door.
“Yo man,” I said, and moved closer, still keeping my head down and staying within the shadows. “You got a spare cigarette?”
The guy had a cigarette in one hand. The other had moved to the inside of his jacket at my approach. “No, man. Keep the fuck moving.”
I held up my hands. “No, worries. Chill.”
I lowered my hands, and as I did, I slipped the knife I’d placed up my sleeve into my palm. Between one inhale of his cigarette and the next, I threw the knife and it buried in the side of his neck.
I rushed forward to grab him, then lowered him to the ground. I took out my knife and wiped it clean on his sweatshirt then grabbed the gun he had in the inside pocket of his jacket. I transferred it to the back of my waistband.
I placed my ear to the door he guarded, trying to hear any movement on the other side. I decided to brazen it out. I pulled the gun out from behind me and gripped the doorknob. I turned it and pushed the door open, gun straight out and ready to meet any threat.
I walked into what appeared to be a small waiting area. There were three chairs on my right and a counter in front of me. I saw a hallway and doors, possibly offices, on the other side of the counter. The sound of faint voices came from behind the first door on the left.
Quietly, I closed the door behind me and made my way around the counter into the hallway. The first door wasn’t closed all the way and I looked through the cracks of the opening. It was some sort of kitchen. Two men sat at a round table, both wore gun straps.
I found the right place.
I preferred to take the men out without the use of firepower. I wasn’t sure how many others were in there and I didn’t want to take any chances with Ivy’s life. I needed to draw them out. Carefully I moved slightly away from the partially open door and went back to the reception area, looking for something I could use. I spotted a stress ball on a shelf and grabbed it.
Staying against the wall and away from the open portion of the door, I threw the ball away from me. It bounced, making a soft thudding noise. I drew my blades, crouched on the other side of the door and waited.
I didn’t have to wait for long.
I heard the sound of both men pushing the chairs back and then footsteps. Guns drawn in their hands, they opened the door wider.
Too bad for them.
Their focus was in the direction the noise had come from. The minute the first one stepped through the door, I pinched the nerve in his gun hand and then stabbed him in the chest. Before the guy behind him could decide to squeeze off a round, I threw a blade between his eyes. Both men hit the floor at the same time.
I removed my knives, cleaned off the blades, and afterward I dragged them into the room where they’d been sitting. Closing the door behind me. I took their guns before continuing down the hallway before me, carefully checking the other two doors on that level. I turned right at the end of the hall that led to another longer one.
At the end of it I saw stairs leading down and another door with a bar over it. But midway, there were two more doors.
I listened again at both doors and heard nothing. The first door was unlocked, and I pushed it open slowly but it was just a room full of boxes lined against the opposite wall. No one was in there. I tried the other door. It was locked.
Chapter Seventeen
I don’t know how much time had passed. My foot was numb from sitting in this position so long on the hard floor. I got the boot off and that helped a lot, but the rest of my
body was sore and my face throbbed. I felt it swelling. At least nothing was broken. The whole experience could have been worse. It still could.
I stood, walking around to get a little circulation going, when I heard someone at the door. I froze and stared at the knob, expecting one of my captors to come through the door. Which one, I didn’t know.
My heart beat hard against my chest as I watched the knob turn but the door didn’t open. That was odd. Whoever came in here had a key to get in. I walked over to the door and rested my ear against it. Yes, I heard footsteps.
“Hello?” I called tentatively.
“Oh, God, Maze! Maze! Is that really you?” I banged on the door. “Here. I’m in here.”
“Hang on, baby. I’ll be right back.”
“No! Please don’t leave me.”
“Ah, fuck! Okay, just stay calm and move as far away from the door as you can.”
I hurried to the other side of the room, and put my boot back on, my heart racing.
“I’m clear,” I yelled, hoping he could hear me.
I jumped when I heard the sound of a gunshot, then pounding before the door slammed back.
Tears poured down my face. “Maze. Maze.”
That’s all I seemed capable of saying as he came into the room and sprinted to me. As soon as he touched me, my legs gave out, and I fell to the floor, taking him down with me.
“Oh, Jesus, Ivy. Oh, Jesus.” They were the only words Maze seemed able to say.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and sobbed into his shoulder. I felt myself being lifted but I didn’t care because I was in his arms. I was safe. I knew he’d come for me.
He kept a hand over my head like he didn’t want me to move. I wasn’t planning on it.
“We need to get out of here now.”
I finally glanced up at the sound of a familiar voice. “Will?” He stood framed in the doorway a gun in his hand. I was almost as glad to see him as I was Maze.
“Come on you two. Let’s get out of here. There might be more guards.”
“Three men were in the car when I was grabbed,” I said.
“Okay,” Will replied. Maze still hadn’t said a word. He seemed to be in shock. I stroked his face and he leaned into my caress.
“Let’s go, Will,” he finally spoke.
We walked down a hallway turned a corner then down another longer hallway before we came to a counter that separated a reception area. Maze followed Will as he maneuvered around it. He opened a door and we were outside. The car was right in front of the entrance. As Maze put me in the car, I noticed the body slumped on the ground near the entrance. I recognized the blue denim jacket of the man in the backseat and who’d tried to rape me. It’s easy to abhor violence in principal and from a distance. But when you’re forced into it, with no chance of evasion, running away, or talking yourself out of it, it’s funny how that changes. It was the son of a bitch who’d tried to rape me. I hoped he rotted in hell. Maze got in beside me and wrapped me in his arms. I felt a slight pang for the man who’d stopped the rapist, but I knew I was just bait to lure Maze. I couldn’t forget that.
“Home, Will,” Maze said.
“Do I need to do a quick clean up first?”
Maze raised one hand to show he wore gloves. “Taken care of.”
I didn’t understand what they were talking about and didn’t care. I felt the car moving and Maze’s warmth surrounding me.
“I’m so fucking sorry,” he breathed into my hair.
I raised my head to look at him and saw the tears sliding down his cheeks. I was shocked, my Maze crying. That was all wrong. “No, Maze. You saved me. You saved me.”
“It was because of me this shit happened to begin with. I thought sending you away…distancing myself from you would protect you. It didn’t. Instead, it left you vulnerable. I should have kept you fucking glued to my side.”
I sighed. “I can’t let you blame yourself for this. You’re not the one who did anything wrong.”
He gently touched my face and I flinched. “Sorry. I can see you’re hurt. Where else do you hurt, baby? What else did they do to you? Do you need a doctor?”
I felt the vibration of his heart as it hammered against his chest. The floor lighting provided enough illumination for me to see the fear in his eyes and I understood what he really wanted to know. I shook my head. “They just slapped me around a little, but…I’m fine. I promise. I will be okay as long as I’m with you.”
“Are you sure? Swear it.”
“I swear it.”
He lowered his head to kiss me but the minute his lips touched mine fire rushed through my mouth and not the good kind. “Ouch.”
“Shit. I’m sorry.” He brushed my hair back from my face.
“No, no it’s fine. I’m just a little beat up.”
“So I see. Shit. I can’t look at you and not hurt, too.”
I raised my hand and wiped the tears off his face. “I’ll heal and we’re fine.”
He pulled me onto his lap and we sat there with our arms wrapped around each other. Finally, I pulled back a little. “There were three men who took me, Maze. I saw the one by the door but not the other two.”
I shivered in his arms in spite of knowing I was safe with Maze. Those men wouldn’t be able to take me from him.
“You don’t need to fear them ever again.”
“Are they dead?”
At first he didn’t say anything then he turned his head and stared out the window. I watched him so I saw the slight nod of his head. I didn’t say anything else. I just enclosed my arms tighter around him and placed my head on his shoulder.
“Is it over?” I asked.
He hesitated. His hand however caressed my back, up and down in a soothing motion. “Before day break it will be.”
“What does that mean?”
“There’s one more.”
We pulled up in front of the gym. Mark waited at the door for us. Maze got out of the car and so did Will. Both looked up and down the street, then Maze bent back to take my hand and help me out of the car. I only stood for a nano-second before he put his arms under my legs. He straightened and he picked me up. I loved his strength.
Mark unlocked the door for us and followed us upstairs. Will stayed with the car. Maze unlocked our door. We went into the apartment but Mark remained outside. Maze locked the door and took me straight to our bedroom. After he placed me on the bed he went into the bathroom. I heard the water running into the tub. After a few minutes, he returned to me and again picked me up and took me to the bathroom. He undressed me. I glanced at myself in the wall mirror over the duel sinks. I didn’t realize there’d be bruises on my body, too. I looked like I’d been in a fight. Which I had. Maze gently placed a kiss on each one of those purple spots. He picked me up and placed me in the tub of warm water.
My aching limbs relaxed into the heavenly embrace of the soothing liquid. Maze got a washcloth, and sitting on the edge of the tub, he washed me from head to toe. Being careful around my cut lip and the bruise on my cheek.
When he was done, he took me out and dried me. I was docile the entire time. I could have bathed myself, but I understood he needed to do this for me. And well, I needed him to take care of me. It’s what people do when they love someone and almost lost them. He opened the medicine cabinet and took out four Ibuprofens. I took them from him and swallowed them, taking a sip of water from the faucet. He folded a towel around me, then picking me up, carried me to the bed. After he put me down, he rummaged around in one of his drawers until he found a t-shirt. As if I were a child, he dressed me. And again I let him.
He pulled the covers back. “Get in,” he said.
I did. He straightened the covers, pulling them up to my chin. He sat on the bed and kissed each eyelid. “Go to sleep and this will all be over when you wake up.”
He started to get up, but I grabbed his wrist.
“Wait. Aren’t you staying with me? Where are you going
He sat back down on the bed. “To finish this, once and for all, Ivy. I could have lost you tonight. I’m making sure you are never ever going to be in danger again. This shit ends now.”
I felt my lips trembling along with my body. “What…what are you going to do?”
He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. “I’m going to cut off the head of a snake.”
Then he stood up. “Mark will remain right outside the door and Will can stay downstairs.”
“You’re not taking them with you? At least take Will.”
“No. This is something I have to do alone.”
“What if I don’t want you to go? What if I ask you to stay?”
He took a deep breath. I saw a myriad of emotions cross his beautiful features. “Don’t.”
“We’d never be safe, Ivy. You’d never be safe. The only other way would be for you to really leave me. Or for me to leave and turn over everything Joe worked for most of his life to the Triad. Put others at risk. Cause it’s not just your life at stake here or mine. But all the people Joe also protected.”
I cried at his words. I didn’t understand all of it but I knew these people were ruthless. I’d experienced that first hand. They wanted Maze dead and they’d used me tonight to hurt him. If I could have left him I would. God help me I would, but I couldn’t nor could I let him leave me.
“Goddamnit, Maze, you make damn sure you come back to me.”
He smiled. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Chapter Eighteen
It broke my heart to see my baby’s face bruised. They hurt her. I wanted to kill those fuckers again. This time with my fucking hands. Slow. I couldn’t believe I’d cried like a baby in the car, but damn it hurt to see her like that. I will NEVER let anything harm her again. As long as I live and even in death I’d come back to kill any sonofabitch who threatened her. I had one final task to complete before I could rest easy at my lady’s side. And this hurt like a bitch, too.