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Maze (The Ballerina Series #2) Page 3

  “You sure you okay, babe?”

  I shook my head to stop ogling him. It didn’t escape my notice his shirt covered up any exposed tats. He never covered them all up like that. I could only assume he did it for me. For today, when meeting my family.

  He held a serving tray in his hands when he returned to the sofa. After lowering the tray to rest on the coffee table, he grabbed one of the open beers, handing it to me before grabbing the other one and sitting down. He sat next to me, and I leaned my head against his shoulder.

  I sighed, he’d momentarily distracted me, but I realized I hadn’t responded to his comment. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Yes. You will be. But what were you thinking about?”

  I shrugged. “Just everything. My injury. Being able to dance again. Shel. Her mom. You. Me. Us.”

  “Whoa! You really were thinking about everything. Then you should know you have nothing to worry about. At least not about yourself, me, or us. I will do whatever it takes to help you dance again if that’s what you want to do. And if you decide you want to do something else, I’m down with that too. There is an us. There always has been and always will be. And you and your family will be there for Shel’s mom.” He kissed my forehead. “And I’ll be there for you. So stop worrying.”

  I smiled, shifting to place my head on his shoulder. “That’s definitely an easy thing to say, but I will try.”

  He threaded his fingers through my hair, and I took comfort in his presence. “Thank you for covering up, but really, you didn’t have to do that. I want them to accept you as you are. I love your ink.” I rested my hand on his chest. “Especially the heart wrapped in ivy.”

  This time, he pressed his lips to mine. “I know. But I don’t want them forming any preconceived notions the first, well, second time we meet.”

  “You know they’ve already seen some of your tats years ago, right?”

  “Yeah, well, hopefully they’ll remember my charming personality more.”

  I grinned but still couldn’t quite relax. As good as everything was between us, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something seemed a little off. Though, I couldn’t exactly put my finger on it. Silly, I know. A lot had happened to me in the last few days and a lot was still going on. The circumstances would drive anyone batty.

  I leaned forward to put the beer down and then sat back against Maze. I caressed his chest again; he was hard all over. His heart muscle pushed against his rib cage, the vibration echoing up through his skin to my palm. Yeah, it matched the racing of my heart.

  I raised my eyes to see him staring at me, a sexy grin on his face and heat in his gaze. He leaned forward to place his beer next to mine on the coffee table. After he sat back against the couch he shifted us both. He moved one of his legs and had me lean forward so he could place it behind me on the couch. He left his other foot on the floor and positioned me so I could lie between his thighs with my back against his chest.

  “Move your left leg and put it up next to mine,” he whispered against my ear. “Leave your other on the coffee table.”

  I did as he asked. Since we were going out soon to dinner I wore a dress, it wasn’t exactly short, but it rose up, which left me wide open to him.

  Both of his arms snaked around my waist. He drew me farther up until my ass rested against the hardness throbbing and poking at my tailbone. One of his hands pulled my dress up even more, while the other grabbed and squeezed my thigh. When he’d exposed much of my silky black underwear he whispered, his voice low and husky, “I think black’s my favorite color.”

  He moved his hand off my dress and pulled aside my underwear, my wet underwear, so his thumb could brush against my clit.

  “You are so wet. I’m going to have to do something about that.”

  I was already raising my hips to his touch and widening my legs but still I had to at least try to dissuade him. “We don’t have much time before we have to leave.” Not like I tried very hard given my reaction.

  “We’ve got enough. Besides, we don’t have to worry about waiting around for a cab at this hour. Terry will bring the car around as soon as I text.”

  “Mmm…” I heard what he said but it wasn’t really registering because he’d inserted one finger into my sex and I tightened my muscles to hold him in there. I raised my arms over my head to circle them around his neck, while sinking against him. His length flexed against the top of my butt, his strong thigh muscles contracted around my hips, and he shifted. He pressed his sex even more against the top of my ass and I felt how much he wanted me. And I wanted everything he had to give to me.

  His lips brushed against my inner arm, then his tongue licked my skin at the same time he stuck two fingers inside me, and between one breath and the next, I shattered.

  “You are so fucking responsive,” he murmured.

  He turned my head and covered my mouth with his, all the while continuously working my sex. His fingers moved in and out, and I moaned into his mouth.

  Suddenly he stiffened and withdrew his hand out from between my legs. Without warning, he pulled my dress down to cover me, and I heard the key turn in the lock.

  I popped my eyes open. Dante. Crap!

  Quickly I lowered my arm and placed my leg on the floor but continued to rest against Maze. He wrapped his arms around my waist resting his head on my shoulder.

  “We’ll finish this later,” he whispered just as Dante pushed open the door.

  “Hey, wassup?” he said when he saw us. Then he turned and shut and locked the door.

  I twisted so I could see him better, but he walked around the couch and took a seat on the chair at the other end of us. He shifted the dance bag he wore across his shoulder and placed it on the floor beside him. He wore dark blue and black dance sweats. We had a matching set.

  A wave of sadness hit me to see him in his when I knew it would be a long time before I’d wear mine again.

  “Hey, man,” Maze said.

  Dante looked at us then frowned. I thought perhaps he picked up on my bleak mood but I shrugged off the feeling. I needed to know how the directors had planned out the rest of the year. This was the first chance I had to ask Dante about what was going on with the company. I needed a head’s up. Yeah, I could have called Davis, the production director, but frankly he hated talking on the phone. He preferred you set up an appointment with his secretary so he would be prepared to talk. I already scheduled a time to come and talk to him tomorrow through his secretary.

  “So how’d the meeting go?” I asked. There’d been a meeting today to discuss the rest of the summer, and the season in greater detail.

  He sighed. “I turned in the paperwork you left for me and they took it. So you’re officially on the injured list. I know you’re talking to them tomorrow but I can tell you right now what they’ve already told me. They’ll hold your spot until August, but then you’ll have to show them you’re still able to perform to maintain it. I’m sure Davis will also tell you he would like us to put together some chorography for Christy and me but that won’t be for awhile. Christy will take the duets, and your solo rolls they’re going to spread out between Christy, Lisa, and Stephanie, so that’s good.”

  “That is good news. I’d love to do some chorography. I’m not so excited about working with Christy but I’ll do it. So why are you still frowning?” I asked. Something in his expression suggested more was going on.

  “They’re thinking about holding auditions to fill a couple of openings.”

  “Yes, we knew they were going to do that,” I said, but a sinking feeling crept up on me.

  “Yeah, but now I think they’ll also look to bring on someone that can handle your roles. Someone who can step right in or they can begin to train.” Dante placed his hands on his thighs and leaned forward. “And even if you did come back strong they’d still want another ballerina of your caliber they can cultivate in the company. ‘Cause let’s face it, Christy is no prima ballerina.”

  “Shit.” I was being
replaced. Maybe not right away if I overcame my injury, but eventually. It happens to us all. Sooner or later, someone younger, stronger, and better came along. I too had replaced someone else when I was hired. Tessa was no longer with the company. I had taken her place. Just as Dante became the principal male dancer when he nudged Jeffery out of his spot. Although he was still around. We were all replaced sooner or later. Understanding that didn’t make it easier, though. A dancer is what I was in my soul. My mood took a nosedive.

  “What does this mean?” Maze asked.

  I twisted to look at him, doing my best to look content when I was anything but. “I’m being replaced.”

  “Now, that’s not quite true, Ivy,” Dante spoke up.

  I swung back to face him. “You and I both know if not now then later, but that’s what it means. They will have a replacement ready to go.”

  “But what if you come back good as new?” Maze asked. “Doesn’t that make a difference?”

  “Yes, it does,” I replied. “It means I’d keep my position as the featured female lead for maybe another few seasons, but sooner or later I will be replaced.”

  “Fucking hell,” Maze grunted. “Well they’re not replacing you yet. I already promised you I would help. We’ll get that ankle so strong you’ll be even better on it than you were before.”

  “You know,” Dante said, “I’m kinda liking this guy. Fucking A.” He got up and came over to fist bump Maze’s hand. “Okay, kiddies, I gotta go take a shower, order a little take out, then go to bed. I have to be at the theatre at six tomorrow to go over the routine with Christy. We’re doing a special performance in a couple of days. We’re filling in for a duo that had to cancel at the last minute.”

  “Where’s Christy?” I asked. Oops, I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I knew Dante hadn’t been hanging with her lately, but Christy was very into him. I was sure she just loved the fact they were dancing together. “Sorry, forget I said anything.”

  “No. It’s cool. I told you we’re taking a break. She got too clingy and you know me. I like variety. Anyway enjoy the rest of your evening and I’ll see you both later.”

  “Night, man,” Maze said.

  “Night,” I repeated. We were silent as we watched Dante go into his room then shut his door. “I guess we better go to the restaurant,” I stated.

  “No matter what you’ll be okay,” Maze replied, trailing his hand down the side of my face.

  My lips trembled but I fought the fog threatened to drag me under. I twisted around to look at him. “Promise?”

  “I swear.” He raised my hand and kissed it. “I better call the car around or we’ll be late.”

  Chapter Four


  We walked into the restaurant lobby just as the hostess seated Ivy’s mom and friends. I would have known Ivy’s mother anywhere. Her daughter looked a lot like her. They had the same warm brown coloring and were both about the same height. Her mom probably only weighed a little more than Ivy did. Where Ivy’s hair was past her shoulders and wavy, Allison wore her hair cut in a short, capped curly style that worked great with her high cheekbones. The same ones she gave her daughter. Ivy introduced me to all of them. Ivy’s mom, who told me to call her Allison, and Shel’s parents remembered me, or claimed they did. Both women hugged me, which surprised the hell outta me. Shel’s dad, Ben, shook my hand. Since my mother died, I could count the number of times on one hand I was hugged that had nothing to do with a prelude to sex.

  It was nice being hugged by the two moms. I didn’t want Ivy to know but I was nervous. I wanted to make a good impression on them. I wanted them to know how much I cared about Ivy. She was everything to me and I’d be good to her. I didn’t deserve her. I knew that, but damn, if I wasn’t going to try and live up to her and her family’s expectations. It was clear Ivy and her mother were close. They sat next to each other and chatted, teasing each other the way a mother and daughter could. Ivy’s chair sat close to mine and we held hands under the table the entire time. I think her mom knew, though. I caught her looking at our arms one time and then she looked at me and winked. So I guess I didn’t come off as a total loser.

  The awkward moment came when Ben asked about what I did. I didn’t want to lie to these folks. I took a sip of the wine in front of me and manned up.

  “I’m a retired mixed martial arts fighter, sir.”

  “Wow,” Ben said. “I’ve been to one of those fights. Very intense.”

  “You have?” Bev, his wife, asked.

  Ben took a sip of water. “Yes, with Phil.”

  I remembered, Phil was Ivy’s dad. Both moms laughed. “So what was your record?” Ben asked.

  Ivy answered before I could. “Undefeated,” she said proudly beaming.

  I wanted to lean over and kiss her right then and there in front of her parent and their friends, but I wasn’t sure that would be a good idea. It wouldn’t have been a quick kiss either. At that moment a rush of love filled me, at the way she took pride in me. I was so busy staring at her I almost missed her mother’s next question.

  “So what are your plans now?” Allison asked.

  I turned my attention away from Ivy to answer it. “I’m the new owner of a martial arts gym over in Chinatown. I’m going to start training the next crop of fighters.”

  “Nice,” Ben said. “So no more cage fighting for you?”

  “Oh how exciting,” Bev said at the same time.

  I shook my head at Ben’s statement. “No more fighting. Just training. That will be enough excitement.”

  “Well, I think this calls for a toast. Congratulations,” Allison said.

  They all raised their glasses and toasted me. I breathed a sigh of relief that I’d passed that hurdle and been accepted by Ivy’s mom and people who meant something to her. The talk then moved to Ivy and her injuries. They were interested in the fact I was willing to help her come back from it.

  “Yes,” I agreed. “As soon as the cast comes off I’m going to have her down at the gym working on strengthening her ankle.”

  “I think that’s a fantastic idea, Maze,” Bev responded.

  Dinner turned out much better than I’d thought it would have. When we parted company in front of the restaurant, the hug I got from Allison was a little tighter than when we first got there.

  She whispered in my ear, “Thank you.”

  I just smiled at her and nodded. Then she got into the cab with Shel’s parents and I closed the door.

  “That went well,” I said.

  Ivy tilted her head and stared at me. “Were you worried?”

  I shrugged. “Scared shitless.”

  She laughed. “My mom liked you. They all did. You impressed them.”

  I wrapped my arm around her and drew her against my side just as Terry pulled up to the curb with the limo. “As long as I impress you,” I replied, and gave her a quick kiss. I opened the car door for her before Terry could come around the side. “I got it man,” I said to our driver and climbed in behind her.

  “I’m glad you came with me,” she stated.

  I clutched her hand. “Yeah, me too.”

  It wasn’t too late and I needed to check on Joe. I wanted to tell him about meeting Ivy’s mom. I hoped one day soon he’d be able to meet her parents. I even talked to Allison a little about Joe and she said she’d love to meet him sometime. I’d like him to meet her too, but they were headed back home tomorrow, so it would be a while.

  Ivy lay snuggled within the crook of my arm, her hand on my thigh and mine over her hand. I threaded our fingers together. I liked touching her. “I found it interesting as much as we talked at dinner, no one mentioned the reason they were all here. Was it because I was there?”

  “No. I think they’re just trying not to dwell on it. You being there gave them something else to focus on. Bev will go back home and schedule the surgery.”

  “Well she looks good. If I didn’t know she was ill I wouldn’t suspect a thing. Has she any idea of when t
hat will be?

  Ivy nodded. “It will be sometime late next week and I think I’ll go for a visit then.”

  This was the first I heard she might be leaving me. Not for awhile, yes, but still. I didn’t want to spend even a minute without her being nearby. “How long do you think you’ll be gone?”

  “Just a few days. I’ll go a couple of days before the surgery and if all goes well come back the day after. You could come with me.”

  “Babe, I’d love to, but tomorrow I have to meet with Tsang and a few of the managers who use the gym. We’re going to plan out some renovations for the place. That might start as early as next week so I’m not sure. But thank you for asking and wanting me to be there with you. I want to be. Maybe I can fly down and be with you for the surgery then fly back the next day or something.” But I already knew come hell or high water I’d be there with Ivy at least for the surgery. “As soon as you know the date let me know and I’ll make sure whatever is being delivered or installed will be done around those two days so I can be there with you. How’s that?”

  She gazed at him with her heart in her eyes. “Have I told you today I love you?”

  I smirked. “I don’t remember so why don’t you remind me?”

  “I love you.”

  I shook my head. “Not even close to how much I love you.” I took her into my arms and closed my mouth over hers. You know I’d always known I had the capacity for this kind of love. I’d known it for several years. The thing was it was only and always for just one person. I held her in my arms and I’d do whatever it took to keep her there.


  The car pulled up to the hospital entrance and I helped Ivy out. Terry drove it around to a parking area and would wait there for us. I just had to call or text him when I was ready.

  We’d just walked through the admittance area when the hairs at the base of my neck stood up. Someone was watching us and it wasn’t friendly-like. I slowed my steps and glanced around, quickly spotting the buzz cut of one of Jai’s buddy’s from the alley that night in Little Italy. When the dude looked at me and nodded, I knew it was no accident he sat there in the hospital. He’d been waiting on me. Shit! Those fuckers were too close to Joe, but at least I knew they couldn’t get to him. Only family was allowed to see him and those on a guest list. Uncle Tsang told me last night he’d taken care of that. Along with placing a guard outside Joe’s door. No one could get to my stepfather in the hospital. So he had to be there for me.