Maze (The Ballerina Series #2) Read online

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  Maze smiled. “So this is a big deal.”

  “Damn straight,” Dante said. “We’ve taught couples classes before and have been asked to do it again, but this time my old dance school wants us to choreograph something for them.”

  To be asked to chorography a piece like this was quite a coup, but not for me. “My foot, Dante. I can’t dance.”

  “You know you don’t need to. These are advanced dance students. You only have to explain the necessary movement and concept. I can demonstrate the pattern without you. And you don’t have to move for us to come up with a dance piece together.”

  I shook my head. “You’d still need to practice with a partner.”

  He shrugged. “So we can work out the basics on paper then once we get to the school we can work out the practicality with the dancers.”

  I chewed my bottom lip. “I don’t know.”

  Maze, who’d never left my side, leaned against the counter. He placed his arm around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. “I do. You can do this, Ivy. I believe in you.” His attention moved to Dante. “When do you have to do this by, man?”

  “This week would be good to start planning but I know you have to go home, Ivy, so after you get back, we can get to work. Then in a couple of weeks the two of us would fly to Philly where I went to school and spend two weeks there with the dancers. The festival is in six weeks.”

  “She’ll do it,” Maze said before I could reply.

  I twisted and glanced at him. “Hey, I haven’t agreed to this.”

  “But you will,” Dante said.

  He was right. In my heart, I was a dancer, and yes we did some chorography on the side and some pieces for the show so it wouldn’t be too hard to choreograph something for this competition. And if the piece was chosen to be presented that would be huge for us. Suddenly, I didn’t feel quite so hopeless that I might not be able to perform professionally again. I wasn’t yet twenty-two, I still had a good five years left, if my ankle held up. But creating movement, interpreting music was something else I loved. The opportunity was another way for me to continue doing what I enjoyed most. Dance. But it meant being away from Maze.

  “Are you sure?” I asked Maze.

  He shook his head. “Yep, and you guys can meet down at the gym if you need to. There’s a room you can use.”

  I snickered and both men stared at me.

  “What’s so funny?” Maze asked frowning.

  I raised one hand and waved it in front of my face. Shaking my head at the same time not ready to tell them yet.

  Dante looked at Maze and shrugged. I laughed again. I couldn’t help it. “I…I just thought of Dante wearing his tights in a room full of MMA fighters.”

  Maze cracked up. It had been a week since I heard the sound of his laughter. Dante sat up in his chair. The look of horror on his face ensured my mirth wouldn’t stop just then.

  “I am not fucking wearing tights to the fucking gym!” Dante growled.

  “I will if you will,” I grinned.

  Maze stopped laughing. “Oh, hell no.”

  I snorted. After the week we had it felt good to laugh. I loved him for that.

  Maze’s phone pinged like he had a text. He pulled it out and looked at it. “Listen, I gotta run a quick errand since I’m on this side of town.”

  “What? Where are you going?” I asked.

  “I won’t be long and I’ll be back before Dante has to leave. Stay here.”

  Maze pressed his lips to mine and just like that he was gone. I turned around to find Dante staring at me.

  “What’s that about?” Dante inquired.

  “I don’t know.” I hobbled into my bedroom. Dante followed me, bringing the three boxes in Maze had brought up with him.

  Dante dropped them on the floor by my closet door. “Well something’s going on, Ivy. I can’t help but think that whatever happened to Maze’s stepdad has something to do with that underground fighting ring he’s a part of.”

  Even Dante figured that much out. But what could I say to him? I didn’t want to lie to my friend. Then again I wasn’t sure what was going on. I only had my suspensions, but I would not betray Maze or Joe. However, I could relieve Dante’s concerns about one thing. “Maze is no longer involved in professional fighting. The fight you saw was his last one. He now owns that gym in Chinatown he was talking about us training in, and the apartment we’re moving into is on the top floor. He owns it. He’s just going to train new fighters. Provide a place for them. That’s it.” I grabbed a bunch of jackets and passed them to him.

  Dante frowned as he took the stack from me. He folded and placed them in the box. “Are you sure he’s done?”

  I nodded.

  “Still, I’m worried about you. Whatever happened was no accident.”

  “I’m fine. You don’t need to worry.”

  “But I do, you know. I don’t want you caught up in any shit he’s involved in. You know I respect him but I care about you more. And if you ever need me all you have to do is call and I’m a cab ride away. Your room will always be available.”

  I turned and placed my hand on his sleeve and he drew me in for a tight hug. The embrace lasted longer than it should have. His fingers dug into me, like he didn’t want to let go and his breathing came out a little ragged. “I’m going to miss you,” he whispered against my hair.

  I pulled away, and looked at him, it was then I saw the yearning in his gaze. Maze had been right. Dante had feelings for me. Maybe they had been there all along. I’d just been blind. “Dante…I’m sorry…I…”

  He placed his finger over my lips. “It’s okay. I know you’ve made your choice. And I will always be your best friend. Now let’s finish getting you packed up.”

  I was floored. I had no idea that our connection for him went beyond deep friendship. On my part I only loved him as a friend. When we’d first met I thought his flirting had been mere teasing. He practically flirted with everyone, and then after we became roommates, he stopped and we’d become best friends. I told him all about Maze. So Dante always understood, my heart and soul belonged to Maze. They had from the first time I’d ever laid eyes on him. So I smiled at my friend. “I do love you, you know.”

  “Yeah. I know.”

  “Just not…”

  “Shhh. I know that, too.”

  I didn’t want to lose Dante. I smiled sadly at him and grabbed another handful of clothes and handed them to him.


  I couldn’t talk Maze into coming with me, and it was so hard to leave him.

  “It’s just two days, babe,” he’d said. “And then I’ll be there. I’ll come straight from the airport to the hospital.”

  “I wish neither one of us had to make this trip. I wish it was just a regular visit home.”

  “Me too, babe.” He’d wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead just before he walked me to the security area. He could go with me no farther.

  It was good to be home, though. I spoke and texted with my folks all the time but I hadn’t seen my dad in months. Mom picked me up from the airport, but Dad came home early so he was there when I got home. I was so pampered. Came from being an only child I supposed. My dad was a couple inches taller than Maze and swallowed me in his embrace.

  “How’s my girl?” he bellowed. He had a deep voice, which I loved.

  “Find, Daddy.” Both my parents had a little gray threaded through their hair but were still in good shape for forty-something year olds. I looked like a younger version of my mom. She was maybe a size larger than I was. Dad liked to brag he could still fit into the suit he got married in, but he had a little tummy now. Which he blamed on my mom’s great cooking.

  “I hear you have a boyfriend now.” He looked behind me like he was looking for someone. “I’m surprised he’s not with you,” he laughed.

  I knew he was kidding around, although I was sure Mom told him Maze was more than just a friend. He wouldn’t expect him to come home with me. I never
brought boys home, aside from Dante a couple of times, but he was just a friend.

  “Ah, he’s coming the morning of Bev’s surgery. I already let Mom know.” I spoke the last hurriedly.

  My dad frowned. “Why? He doesn’t have a reason to be there.”

  “Phil,” my mom said lightly swatting his arm. “Obviously he’s coming to support Ivy.”

  I’d told my mom about Maze visiting. I guess she forgot to tell my dad. “Yeah, Dad. Remember he also knew Shel. He knows how much the Stevensons mean to me.”

  Dad frowned. “Fine. I guess it’s only for one night. He can sleep in the basement.”

  “Thank you.” It’s not like I ever dated much. Dancing was a jealous master. I had only a handful of boyfriends. None lasted more than a couple of months. Even when I was a teenager and lived at home.

  I kissed my parents then went up to my room. My dad got a phone call and Mom carried my bag up the stairs for me. As soon as we got to my room, she closed the door. I sat on the bed. Not sure what was going on but clearly she wanted to talk.

  She put the case down and sat on the bed next to me. “How’s Maze holding up?”

  Mom and Dad had sent Maze a card and flowers to the cemetery.

  “He’s doing okay. It’s hard sometimes though.”

  “That’s understandable,” she said. “And the fact he’s coming to be here with you now says a lot about him. So are you two serious?”

  This was it. I hadn’t told my folks Maze and I had moved in together. My dad almost had a cow when he first found out I’d be living with Dante, but when he heard he was a dancer he relaxed. That and the fact I insisted we were just friends. Separate rooms he could deal with. Maze and I did not have separate anything.

  “Yes. I think so. Mom, I have something to tell you but you can’t tell Dad yet. I don’t want him to freak.”

  She laid her hand over mine. “What is it, honey?”

  I took a deep breath, and then exhaled. “Maze and I moved in together a few days ago.”

  She squeezed my hand and took a deep breath. “I see. And are you sure about this?”

  “Yes. I’m sure, Mom.”

  She glanced away then back at me, this time putting both hands over mine. “I’m not going to say I approve. I’m assuming when you say ‘moved in’ you’re not talking about the way you lived with Dante.”

  I shook my head.

  She sighed. “You are an adult now, honey, even though you’re both so young. But in truth, you’ve been on your own living in New York for a long time. I’ve stopped telling you what to do ages ago, so I can’t really start now. I let you live your dream.” She smiled. “But given your determination to become a professional dancer I’m not sure I could have stopped you either. And as a result you’re an accomplished beautiful ballerina but…tell me this: do you love him?”

  I nodded, my eyes tearing up at the thought of my love for Maze.

  “Does he feel the same way?”

  Again, I nodded unable to speak.

  She tilted her head. “I trust your judgment and I’m happy for both of you. But I expect this to be a temporary situation and something more permanent to develop sooner rather than later.”


  She put up her hands in the air. “Don’t ‘Mom’ me, hon. If you’re going to commit, then commit all the way that’s all I’m saying.”

  “I’ll take that under advisement.”

  “See that you do. Now what about your ankle and dance?”

  “I’ve still got several weeks before the cast comes off but in the meantime I’m going to do some chorography with Dante. We’ve been asked to do a piece to present for Regional.”

  “Honey, that’s fantastic!” She hugged me then pulled back. “I’m so proud of you. I know you guys are going to win.”

  My mom knew the importance of Regional; she’d taken me to quite a few of them when I was younger.

  “When and where is it? Dad and I would love to come and so would Bev and Ben.”

  “I’ll send you the details if our piece gets chosen.”

  “Of course, your piece will be chosen. They’d be crazy not to include anything you and Dante come up with. Your work together is brilliant. So is this what you’re going to do from now on? I thought you were also going to work on strengthening your ankle so you could dance again.”

  I nodded, feeling more optimistic about everything. “Yep. I’ll be doing that, too. As soon as the cast comes off I’ll begin exercising it. Maze already says he’s got plans for me, specific exercises he’s going to have me do.

  “That’s what he’d mentioned at dinner. I knew I liked that boy. You’ll be up on pointe again in no time.”

  “From your ears to the ankle god’s mouth.”

  She leaned forward and hugged me. “Okay, brat. Let me go fix dinner. Pasta cabonara sound good?”

  “Perfect.” Yeah, it was good to be home.

  My phone chimed just as my mom closed my door. I had a text. I got my phone out of my bag.

  Maze: ‘You get there okay?’

  Ivy: ‘Yep. It’s all good.’

  Maze: ‘Miss you.’

  Ivy: ‘Miss you, too’

  Maze: ‘Have a good night. I Love you.’

  Ivy: ‘Love you too. Mwah!’

  Maze: ‘xoxoxo’

  I put my phone down and went downstairs for dinner. I missed my parents but it was always good to be home. I was glad when my mom kept the conversation away from Maze and me and focused it on Bev and things going on with mutual friends. The last thing I wanted to do was discuss my living arrangements with Maze. I got out of doing dishes and went upstairs to get ready for bed. After I hung up my clothes so they wouldn’t wrinkle, I picked up my cell again and called Maze. I just wanted to hear his voice before falling asleep.

  I got under the covers and opened my list of favorite numbers. The phone rang once and went straight to voice mail. I frowned a little disappointed that I couldn’t reach him, but left him a message. “I just wanted to hear your voice before I fell asleep. I love you. Good night.”

  Chapter Ten


  Lightning flashed over the wing. The way the area lit up, I could have sworn the bolt struck the plane but it didn’t do any damage. At least none I could see. The flight during a thunderstorm was not a smooth one but finally I landed at Ronald Reagan Airport in Washington D.C. After last night, I wondered if storms were now going to rule my life.

  I shivered. Cold. So fucking cold, and it had nothing to do with the weather. Everything changed two nights ago. I took no pleasure in what I’d done, I almost didn’t get on the plane earlier this morning. Feeling unworthy of Ivy. But I’ve always felt unworthy of her. Like she was this diamond and I was well, anything but, and now…

  I looked down at my hands. There was no blood visible, but I could still see the crimson there. And feared there would be more.

  Ivy needed me by her side today, and I would be there. I just didn’t know for how much longer. As I walked out of the terminal and caught a cab to the hospital my only thought was I would do all I could to make damn sure Ivy remained safe.

  I glanced out the window and saw lightning light up the gray sky across the water. The rain had been heavy even before I left JFK. When the bolt flashed, it brought to mind the memory of the flash of Jai’s blade striking against my own. He let me gaze upon his hatred for me stamped on his face, his determination to see me dead. In the end, I also witnessed his acceptance of his own death when my knife sliced across his throat. I don’t think I’d ever experience a storm again and not think of how my life had changed.

  I pulled out my phone and texted Ivy I was there. I just needed to get to her. At least I came alone. Uncle Tsang didn’t want me to travel without Will but after what went down, Joe’s death and then Jai’s, the Triad wasn’t doing anything for a while. Tsang wasn’t too happy with what I’d done either. I’d gotten the information I wanted without involving him. The day I left Ivy with Dan
te I’d gone to a popular fight hang out and found out where Jai was going to be the next night. The message I sent to the Triad was loud and clear. I understood Tsang’s fear that I would be unprotected, but our enemies didn’t know who Ivy was. It would take time to find out her information and then to figure out where I’d gone. By then we’d be back in New York surrounded by Tong where the Triad couldn’t touch us.

  Yesterday I’d signed all the paperwork with the lawyers, and then met with some of the business owners. I now owned the primary shares in the Tong. A conglomerate of business interests spanning the gambit from restaurants, retail stores, dry cleaners, even a few small IT and software companies. All of which I didn’t know fuck about. Almost twenty-four years old and I had businessmen who’d run successful companies for years looking up to me. Crap! I had a shitload to learn and no time to learn it. First and foremost the Triad had to go. Really just Liu. Cut off the head of a snake and the rest will die. This shit began with the deaths of his father and my mother. It was time for it to end. I hoped it ended with Jai’s death but that could be just wishful thinking on my part.

  I got out of the cab in front of the hospital entrance. The last song playing in the cab ride over resonated in my soul. Yeah, I was knee deep in Coolio’s Gangsta’s Paradise. Right down to the fucking snakes. I took a deep breath to shake out the depressing thoughts. I had a woman to face who needed me strong and focused on her. I only carried a backpack with a change of clothes. I didn’t need much. I was there for Ivy. As soon as I stepped through the sliding doors I walked toward the reception desk. It didn’t escape my notice I’d been spending an awful lot of time in hospitals lately. Creeped me the hell out. The sound of my name had me swinging in another direction, and there was my girl hurrying to me. I smiled for the first time in days and opened my arms. She hobbled right into them, I picked her up, and covered her lips to mine.

  God, I missed her. I wrapped my arms around her tighter. She was my anchor. My light. Her warmth rushed through my veins breaking the ice. I prayed to God she never found out what I was capable of doing. What I had done. When I thought I could breathe on my own I put her down.